Video Shows Firefighters Rescuing Woman Who Crashed Into Pond

[Screenshot/Facebook/Orange County Fire Rescue Department, Florida]

Fiona McLoughlin Contributor
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Bodycam footage shows a group of Orange County, Florida, firefighters rescuing a woman whose car crashed into a pond next to their station April 10.

Station 42 saw the car go off the road and drive into the retention pond near the station, the Orange County Fire Rescue Department (OCFR) said on Facebook. Crew members immediately sprung into action and ran into the water to begin rescuing the victim.

“Rescuers pulled the victim out of the vehicle’s open window moments before it sank and assisted the driver to the shore, where she was transported to the hospital by paramedics without injury,” the fire department said.

The woman was apparently trying to make a U-turn when she lost control of the car, driving through a fence and into the water, the OCFR told ClickOrlando.


“The entire call from the time we heard it go out to the time the car disappeared was less than five minutes, so it was very quick,” Lt. Amber Lugo told the outlet.

Firefighter Daniel Diaz was reportedly outside the station when the incident took place and alerted the rest of his team, the outlet reported. (RELATED: Video Shows Bus Plunging Into Russian River, Leaving Multiple Dead).

“As soon as I saw that, I just ran into the station, and everyone was sitting at the table, and [I] let them know what was going on,” Diaz told the outlet. “The crew worked together very quickly. Very swiftly we were able to save that woman. If we weren’t, you know, things would’ve gone differently. It could’ve been a different outcome for her, so we are grateful that we were here and that we were able to respond as quickly as possible.”

Lugo and Engineer Hubert were awarded for their rescue efforts, the OCFR said on Facebook. Other members of the station who responded to the call were awarded for their contributions as well.